A doting mother and her two beloved sons, one of whom she thinks is probably gay, go about their daily lives in this hilarious and heartwarming LGBTQIA+-friendly family comedy! Despite...
Invaders from another world are attacking the Earth, and humanity's only hope lies in special armors called Hybrid Heart Gears, or HHGs. Hida Kizuna might seem unexceptional, but he has...
Ever since she was little, Mashiro has been able to see ghosts—of people, of animals, and of some strange creatures that don’t seem to be either. For years, she’s pretended...
Thirty-two-year-old Tohno Naruhiko has been scraping by as a manga creator for ten years, and when his latest series gets canceled, he finds himself at a crossroads. Tohno's always had...
Her boyfriend thinks she’s the cutest girl around, but her expressions can be a bit hard to read...Despite the miscommunications, there’s one thing that always comes across—their love for each...
CAUGHT IN THE SPIDER’S WEBAfter a special request from the Guild, Fran and her magic sword, Teacher, descend into the depths of the perilous Spider’s Nest. With companions like Amanda,...
TEMPERED STEEL AND SHARPENED FANGSThe battle in the heart of the Goblin Dungeon reaches its climactic end! In front of an overwhelming Greater Demon, Fran and Teacher strive to prevail,...
There's no such thing as too much preparation! The fate of the S-ranked world Gaeabrande rests with the novice goddess Ristarte. As she thumbs through the piles of duller-than-dull résumés...
Twenty-nine year old Satou just closed his eyes for a brief nap at work, but when he opened them, he found himself in a game-like alternate world. Fortunately, thanks to...
"Asuka, you are my keeper."Asuka Tsukasa has an irrational fear of animals, especially dogs-which makes studying abroad in London, city of dog lovers, a bit of a challenge for him....
Surviving a zombie apocalypse beats a dead-end job any day! After spending years toiling away for a soul-crushing company, Akira’s life has lost its luster. But when a zombie apocalypse...
A NEW SEASON OF LOVE!High schoolers (and stepsisters) Yuzu and Mei have gone public with their relationship! The two are happy to be dating out in the open, but friends...
THE FULL THREE COUNT OF LOVEMost of her friends like pretty boys, but Momoka only has eyes for Kuga: a huge pro wrestler who plays a villainous heel on TV....
His makeup is flawless! The daily ins-and-outs of an office lady and her beautiful boyfriend.Wako and her androgynous boyfriend don’t exactly have the most traditional of relationships. She spends her...
TILL DEATH DO US PART?Mei and Yuzu are two stepsisters who have fallen in love and must keep their relationship secret from their friends and family. But Mei has a...
SECRET LOVEIt’s summer break–but instead of spending her vacation with Mei, Yuzu is stuck in summer school. On her first day, she meets a strange girl with an uncanny talent...
THE BEST LAID PLANS…As the big sister in the family, Yuzu wants to take the lead in her relationship with Mei. But courting your step-sister is a huge challenge, so...
Makie’s a boy in love, with his tall, older classmate Sachi. As a sign of his affection, he makes Sachi a special lunch every day. Sachi loves Makie, too, but...
True ConfessionsEver since their first kiss, Yuzu can’t stop thinking about Mei, her stern, sexy step-sister. Now Mei seems to have done a total one-eighty, ignoring Yuzu at every turn...