Nio Nakatani, known for her delicate and heartwarming portrayal of girls’ love, presents a marvelous collection of short stories that span her whole career. With works including her striking debut...
One young man's boring college life changes forever when he shares a budding romance with a girl named Mizuo. And it all comes tumbling down when she of all people...
Byakuya is the alter ego of the heroic magical girl Glass Happiness. Mira is a villainous lieutenant to the Evil King, and he’s prepared to do what it takes to...
A tie-in novel based on the Disney Twisted-Wonderland mobile video game and inspired by Alice in Wonderland.Meet the curiouser and curiouser students of Night Raven College in Disney Twisted-Wonderland: Rose-Red Tyrant. When Yuya Kuroki...
This is a world where humans keep beasts and beasts obey humans. Born as the second son of a well-known family, the lonely Reiji has always had his beastman servant,...
When humanity evolved and gained half-human, half-animal forms, a new social order was established. Now thoroughbred wolves like Shirou stand at the top of the heap. But Shirou has a...
Where would you like to travel? The aquarium, the amusement park, the great outdoors, the hot springs… Make a plan and pack your little bag!The cute kitties of Mofusand have...
In this heartfelt omegaverse Boys' Love manga, one omega with a tragic past could find love with an alpha who claims to be his fated mate!When alpha Morita Souichi prepared...
A thirty-year-old Japanese male is teleported to Japan's warring-era. But instead of being reincarnated as a samurai or ninja, he is now a pony! Cute and spry, he is enjoying...
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation – A Journey of Two Lifetimes [Special Book] is a one-shot collection that features the “History of Mushoku Tensei” and includes brand-new short stories, a special manga, a...
Are you here now so I can meet you?When they were classmates, Makito dreamed of being an idol, and Junpei painted his heart out. They'd only spoken to each other...
A yuri comedy about a hyper first-year student and the hot girl jock she’s crushing on by the creator of The Summer You Were There! First-year high schooler Hina falls head...
A sweet yuri manga about a lonely monster and the girl she loves! MONSTER GIRL IN LOVE A lonely monster, living in seclusion in the forest, wishes she could live...
In 1920s Tokyo, prodigy Kiyo has finally made it to university, only to find himself in a tough spot. He happens upon Ozaki, who invites him to live in his...
Enjoy the full story of K-ON! in this stunning new omnibus edition! When their high school's pop-music club is about to be disbanded due to lack of interest, four girls...
The My Dress-Up Darling Official Anime Fanbook is a must-have for fans of the sweet and spicy rom-com that took the world by storm! These 100 gorgeous, full-color pages contain: Galleries of...
Little Red Riding Hood with a Boys’ Love twist! An edgy, beautifully illustrated manga for Mature audiences. Taro is sent to the forest alone. He’s a sacrifice for the monstrous wolf,...
One wish. Ever since they were kids, a single desire saturated every corner of Kanade’s life. I want to be with Munechika. Despite that, his dream was only a dream—any...
Kuga is a first-year university student stuck with the worst roommate ever—the surly, disagreeable Igarashi. Whenever Igarashi opens his mouth, it’s just to complain, and Kuga can’t stand it. But...
Confession is a deeply psychological thriller manga that examines how quickly unexpected vulnerability and the threat of an uncertain future can make men descend into madness.Two miles up in the unforgiving...