In the aftermath of the sports festival, the Class 1-A students begin their internships. Midoriya goes to study under Gran Torino, who was once All Might’s mentor. Gran Torino appears...
A sinister group of villains has attacked the first-year U.A. students, but their real target is All Might. It’s all that Midoriya and his classmates can do to hold them...
Fumino Furuhashi is truly gifted when it comes to literature, but not so great when it comes to the sciences…much to the disappointment of her father. Can they find common...
Rizu is a science genius who wants to study liberal arts. Fumino is effortlessly good at literature, but math makes her head spin. Nariyuki is stuck between a rock and...
Moritaka is hesitant to seriously consider Akito's proposal because he knows how difficult reaching the professional level can be. Still, encouragement from persistent Akito and motivation from his crush push...
Turns out confessing your feelings is the easy part of a romantic relationship… Now Kaguya and Miyuki have to figure out how to behave in a relationship. Kaguya retreats behind...
Will Miyuki ever admit to his insignificant but seemingly infinite lack of nonacademic talents? And what of the other student council members? Are any of them willing to see themselves...
From the creators of Death Note! Mirai may have been saved by an angel, but his battle is just beginning...As his classmates celebrate their middle school graduation, troubled Mirai is...
Conspiracies begin to unravel as the truth behind the Astra crew membersʼ circumstances comes to light. And at their last pit stop, Galem, the saboteur is revealed! Donʼt miss the...
Ferid successfully coerces Shinoa Squad and Mika into joining him and Crowley on a field trip to Osaka. According to Ferid, the purpose of the trip is to see the...
Three months have passed since the invasion in Nagoya, and Yuichiro, Mika and Shinoa Squad are all on the run from both the vampires and the humans! Just as they...
Mika and Yuichiro are finally reunited! With Mika on the brink of death, Yui offers his blood to save his friend’s life—which turns Mika into a full-fledged vampire! Meanwhile, the...
Chitoge thinks about finally confessing her true feelings to Raku. She tries writing letters and practicing confessions, but because she's too embarrassed, nothing she does goes well! Meanwhile, a new...
The battle for Koro Sensei’s life against a multinational operation’s soldiers and weaponry is difficult enough, but now his creator, mad scientist Yanagisawa, and his former protégé, Grim Reaper II,...
The Demon Slayers fight hard to get their blades closer to Muzan’s neck! To avenge her family, Kanao must continue to battle Doma head-on while Iguro and Kanroji find themselves...
The Demon Slayer Corps plunges into Infinity Castle to confront Muzan. Shinobu engages in a fierce fight against Doma, the Upper Rank 2 demon. Poison doesn’t work on him, so...
Tanjiro goes to see the Stone Hashira, Himejima, who intends to prepare him for the battles to come. The training to become a Hashira—a high-ranking member of the Demon Slayer...
The battle between the Kingdom of Science and Petrification Kingdom is down to a mano-a-mano match between Senku and Ibara! With his petrified friends’ spirits supporting him, can Senku finally...
The Kingdom of Science is now in uncharted waters! Motivated to find out the meaning behind the cryptic message they intercepted, Senku and a select few prepare for a long...
The advent of the hot-air balloon means Senku and friends can start making accurate maps. And with more allies than ever, the Kingdom of Science starts a food revolution to...