Takane Takamine is the goddess of her high school. With perfect grades, athletic prowess, and unrivaled beauty, this student council president is the apple of everyone's eye-including Koushi Shirota, a...
Shirota’s settling into his new role as Student Council President Takamine-san’s closet, but when her underwear supply runs out, he’ll have to take on another task—helping her restock! Still, Shirota’s...
Things heat up between Takamine and Shirota as the pair spend a stormy night together. But even as they grow closer, the future hangs over their heads. Will Shirota continue...
Things have been looking up for Shirota as he’s reconnected with his childhood friend Eri, but student council president Takamine-san is not amused by the thought of her favorite toy...
Takamine, a girl who goes back in time by removing her panties. Shirota, her walking closet. She commands, and he obeys. But when Shirota is suddenly thrust into the leading...
As the year winds to a close, Christmas approaches…but not until after final exams! Shirota needs to get a good score, or Takamine will make sure he regrets it. And...
Akanishi-senpai, an accomplished upperclassman, has his eyes on Takamine-san...! But what are his intentions? And with Valentine’s Day and White Day coming around the corner, will Shirota find himself with some...
Time-traveling exhibitionist Takamine-san is the very picture of perfection. And Shirota-kun, her servant and closet, is ever present at her side. The two have a master-and-servant relationship, but Shirota-kun can’t...