An adrenaline-filled manga set in a high school for delinquents who are now heroes protecting their town. A fierce, new student arrives at the school determined to fight his way...
Welcome one and all—to the fabulous life and times of Sasaki, Miyano, and their closest companions! Ever wondered how Kuresawa met his girlfriend? Want to find out if Miyano and...
The untold story of Sherlock Holmes’ greatest rival, Moriarty!Before he was Sherlock’s rival, Moriarty fought against the unfair class caste system in London by making sure corrupt nobility got their...
Kafka has encountered Kaiju No. 9, but he finds himself unable to transform. Luckily, Kikoru comes to the rescue and goes head-to-head with it. Meanwhile, the Kaiju No. 9 that had appeared...
The Defense Force has taken Kafka into custody and plans to dispose of him. To save himself, Kafka attempts to plead his humanity to Director General Shinomiya, wielder of the mighty Kaiju No....
A badminton guy falls for a basketball girl. Do these sports-crossed lovers have a chance? Taiki Inomata loves badminton but has a long way to go before he can reach...
The raid on the Defense Force’s Tachikawa base continues as the officers expend their efforts to fend off the yoju. Meanwhile, Hoshina unleashes his full combat power and takes on...
From the popular MONOGATARI Series by NISIOISIN comes the FINAL season of the novels in a beautiful new box set.Complete your collection with this must-have item for any MONOGATARI fan!...
He may be a pain in the butt, but Hanamichi's athletic prowess and monstrous strength have not gone unnoticed by the captain of Shohoku's judo team. Hoping to take his...
O, HERO!When Kazuya Souma is unexpectedly transported to another world, he knows the people expect a hero. But Souma’s idea of heroism is more practical than most–he wants to rebuild...
En route to school one spring day, Tomoya Aki meets the girl of his dreams amid the dancing cherry blossom petals. But his bliss is soon crushed with the realization...
School is out for the summer, and Komi is still getting used to this strange new world of having friends. She’s discovering that friendship doesn’t automatically save you from awkward...
DOUBLE TROUBLE?! Sakuta is eager to finally have a chance to spend time with Mai again, but instead, he's greeted by a stranger who looks just like her. Apparently, Adolescence...
Getting into U.A. High School was difficult enough, but it was only the beginning of Midoriya’s long road toward becoming a superhero. The new students all have amazing powers, and...
At Mt. Natagumo, Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke battle a terrible family of spider demons. Taking on such powerful enemies demands all the skill and luck Tanjiro has as he and...
Gabimaru the Hollow is one of the most vicious assassins ever to come out of the ninja village of Iwagakure. He’s ruthlessly efficient, but a betrayal results in him being...
In light of Hyoga's betrayal, Senku and Tsukasa vow to fight together, forming the ultimate tag team! Then, Senku and friends are breezing through more technological advancements in order to...
One fateful day, all of humanity was petrified by a blinding flash of light. After several millennia, high schooler Taiju awakens and finds himself lost in a world of statues....
Toma’s older brother, Seiya, asks Taichi to find out why Toma doesn’t want to go to college. On the day of Toma’s release from the hospital, Taichi still hasn’t found...
MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT Eren has infiltrated Marley territory and dealt the empire a devastating blow. But the real goal of the mission was always to get Zeke back to Paradis...