Sukuna reveals that he is the Disgraced One whom the Angel wants to kill. While Itadori grapples with that realization, Kenjaku sets in motion plans involving various nations, throwing the...
WOULD YOU LEAVE IT ALL ON THE FIELD?After making it through the grueling Second Selection, Isagi and the remaining thirty-four strikers prepare for their next challenge, a match against the...
The newly formed team of Isagi, Nagi, and Barou head to their next rival battle, where they face Kunigami, Chigiri, and Reo. Isagi knows their victory will depend on the...
A delightfully charming romantic comedy about a boy who only has eyes for the girl who always forgets her glasses!With the new school year comes a new homeroom, new classmates,...
The untold story of Sherlock Holmes’ greatest rival, Moriarty!Before he was Sherlock’s rival, Moriarty fought against the unfair class caste system in London by making sure corrupt nobility got their...
The adventure is over but life goes on for an elf mage just beginning to learn what living is all about.Elf mage Frieren and her courageous fellow adventurers have defeated...
The adventure is over but life goes on for an elf mage just beginning to learn what living is all about.Elf mage Frieren and her courageous fellow adventurers have defeated...
Living the life of a pirate requires hearty meals! The master chef Sanji reveals the recipes that power the Straw Hat crew! You can't become King of the Pirates on...
From the brave warriors of the Survey Corps to the nameless villagers who end up as Titan chow, this detailed guide contains more than 200 entries on humans and others...
WHAT WAS HIS FATHER'S SIN? Captured by Rod Reiss, the rightful king, Krista and Eren finally have their memories back. What exactly happened to Eren, and what was the crime...
Fair GameThe New Year’s bell rings, and the apartment is teeming with excitement as Futaro and the quints prepare for their finals—with a few distractions along the way! Together, the...
On the trail of the Beast of Gévaudan, Vanitas and Noé are led to the heart of the incident and the noble house of d'Apchier. There, they discover that a...
Hinata may not have been allowed to participate in the Miyagi Prefecture Rookie Camp, but he’s determined to learn something from watching on the sidelines as a ball boy! Meanwhile,...
School is back in session after summer break, and Taichi and Futuba are slowly transitioning their relationship from friends to something more. Suddenly, Mami starts being unusually friendly with Taichi,...
While investigating a string of cannibalistic murders, Alma befriends the shy Kanata, a girl who loves eating dinner with him but can’t seem to keep her food down. When she...
Chidori High second-year Rintaro is a gentle soul, with a fierce face and an even fiercer reputation. Used to being judged by everyone around him, he finds himself thrown off...
While investigating the case of the serial hanging murders around the temple where he and Tao previously fought a horde of maga, Alma runs into a mysterious young man. He’s...
As the battle between Luffy and Kaido enters the final round, everyone in Wano puts their lives on the line to protect their home. But even if Luffy can actually secure...
A badminton guy falls for a basketball girl. Do these sports-crossed lovers have a chance? Taiki Inomata loves badminton, but he has a long way to go before he can reach...