After a touching mother-daughter reunion in the city of Erisen, Hajime and his party resolve to take on the fourth Great Labyrinth, the underwater ruins of Melusine. Every labyrinth presents...
Haruto’s on thin ice—Professor Tear discovered the magic used on Schneidel is Ancient Magic, which no alive can wield. Worse, she began to suspect a connection between Haruto and the...
One self-made med student, three shrine maidens, and one devious marriage plot. If you loved The Quintessential Quintuplets, you've found your new obsession!Atheist Uryu Kamihate just wants to get into medical...
One self-made med student, three shrine maidens, and one devious marriage plot. If you loved The Quintessential Quintuplets, you've found your new obsession!Uryu Kamihate has had a rough start to life,...
REVENGE WITH A SIDE OF FRIES!Ever since a satyress set her sights on Naoe, Elfuda has been guarding her friend round the clock. But when the satyress discovers Elfuda’s weakness...
FEEDING FRENZYNaoe has been helping Elfuda shed the pounds she’s picked up since coming to the human world...but now he’s started to gain weight, too! Turns out he’s fallen under...
The story of an elf struggling to lose weight after she discovered human French fries--rereleased with updated content! And don't miss the sequel manga series (also from Seven Seas), Plus-Sized Elf:...
As a child, Hayato promised to marry his first love, Seraphy. Fifteen years later, he has become one of the world’s greatest spies, all while never falling for the temptations...
Before Akira can clear the air with Shizuka after she discovers him in a compromising position with another girl, the two of them are swept away and washed up on a deserted...
Akira and company make it to Shikoku and take on a massive 1,300-kilometer pilgrimage! But just as they’re getting used to the austere monastic life, Beatrix is captured by a...
Exorcists Rokuro and Benio unleash serious supernatural action while purifying the world of monsters. The Twin Star Exorcists are destined to end the war with the monstrous Kegare…but at what price? After...
Exorcists Rokuro and Benio unleash serious supernatural action while purifying the world of monsters. The Twin Star Exorcists are destined to end the war with the monstrous Kegare…but at what price? With...
With the Demon Lord Castle now in his possession, Arata makes his way to the Heavenly Library to meet Lilith. Meanwhile, Lilith finds herself face to face with the mother...
Naoise has turned his back on humanity and become a servant to Mina, the snake demon. Lugh thought he could find a way to stop his wayward friend without killing...
After a tough battle, Leonis has managed to protect the Seventh Assault Garden from the attack by the Archsage, Arakael. Soon, he gets wind of the Imperial princess’s visit to...
As Julis faces off against Orphelia in the final Lindvolus match, Ayato takes on Madiath behind the scenes. The Golden Bough Alliance has been sowing the seeds of chaos in...
Satou and his party finally face off against the Abyss King, and Hime and the Ring Princesses put up quite a fight. But when Satou is consumed in the Abyss...
As the academy students battle to stop the Ultra Reincarnation Party, Funabashi faces Kurashiki in battle once more. And the headmistress, having caught wind of the powerful adversary lurking in...
Catch up on the manga before the anime returns! You can rent a girlfriend, but can you buy love? Reeling from a bad breakup, Kazuya rents the beautiful, polite Chizuru...
As the year winds to a close, Christmas approaches…but not until after final exams! Shirota needs to get a good score, or Takamine will make sure he regrets it. And...