Explore the world of Hirohiko Araki! Hirohiko Araki changed the face of manga forever when he created JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure! The epic story of the Joestar family spans generations, and iconic...
After driving away “that thing” that appeared off the coast of Japan, Asa returns home to questions and speculation from her siblings and friends and a warning from Kinuyo—no more dangerous...
A tale of dark magic and court intrigue in a setting inspired by historical China--anime soon!Deep within the palace’s walls lives the secluded and mysterious Raven Consort. Some say she...
Prepare for swirling court intrigue in this magical “trading places” tale of maidens competing for the crown–and don’t miss the original light novels, also from Seven Seas! In a kingdom inspired...
A young boy raised in a cellar enters the light. As the lonely child journeys to find companions who share his tastes, he suddenly finds himself a member of the...
Mia just can’t catch a break! She ran for student president, won, and bent the arc of history away from the calamitous developments Bel foretold. You’d think saving the future...
From the creator of Assassination Classroom. In war-torn medieval Japan, a young samurai lord struggles to retake his throne, but not by fighting. Hojo Tokiyuki will reclaim his birthright by running...
Asa and Nakaido fly out to take a closer look at the mysterious creature that has appeared off the coast of Japan. As the creature threatens them with its sharp teeth...
As the powerful ninja Shija flips between wanting to kill and wanting to be Gabimaru, the rest of the survivors fight for their lives! Safety is so close, and all...
Finally, Gabimaru's secret origin is revealed! Plus, a group of samurai and ninja who just arrived on the island have exactly one mission--to leave no one alive. Any who would...
Kagome and Inuyasha have an angry argument that won't be settled until someone apologizes, but each of them is just as stubborn as the other! While Kagome and Inuyasha work...
After falling into an old well and into ancient Japan, Kagome discovers that her destiny is linked to the dog-like half demon called Inuyasha! As Kagome learns more about her...
Despite the reveal of the Beast of Gévaudan's true identity, disaster still looms, threatening not only those involved but the townspeople below. With his book missing in action, Vanitas has...
It's the summer holidays, and Mia's on a roll. Ever since the spoiled princess of Tearmoon leapt through time and restarted life as a twelve-year-old, everything has been going her...
Asa and Kasuga see the tail of a giant creature rise from the water. In a jungle, explorers discover massive claw marks in a tree trunk. And years later in...
As if Dio wasn't diabolical enough, now he's an immortal vampire with incredible strength! But Jonathan Joestar's not one to back down, even when it seems like victory is impossible!...
Sugimoto and Asirpa (and Shiraishi too) have been reunited and head south across Karafuto with the goal of returning to Hokkaido. But after so much time apart and all that...
If the hidden Ainu gold can ever be found, will it be worth the price paid for it in lives lost and ruined? Who really murdered the Ainu for their...
Asirpa’s quest to find out about her father has led her to a Russian prison on the frozen coast of Karafuto in hopes of breaking out Sofia, a former revolutionary....