In this critically acclaimed romantic crime drama, a yakuza granddaughter is sent from Osaka to marry the grandson of a rival family in Tokyo! Yoshino grew up as the yakuza...
A Plea From the FutureOn the day that Naho begins 11th grade, she recieves a letter from herself ten years in the future. At first, she writes it off as...
BLEAK MALADIESEverything has gone drastically wrong for Princess Athanasia and all she’s worked for appears to crumble before her eyes. A magical mishap has wiped Claude’s memories of his daughter...
The beloved shojo tale of one-sided rivalry, revenge, and romance! In elementary school, the rich and spoiled Yanagi Naoto was known for excelling in both studies and sports. But then...
A CLASS OF HER OWN The marchioness Shuri Von Neuschwanstein got the chance at a do-over for the last seven years of her life—and this time, she’s determined not to...
BABY ON THE WAY…ALPHA’S BETTER PAYIt might be said that omega Hye-sung has an attitude problem. His life as an alpha has been turned completely on its head thanks to...
AN EVIL MASTERMIND CREEPSWith Luca’s return from the World Tree, Athanasia finally has a way to help her father. Little do they know that a peculiar guest of Duke Alpheus...
A MAGICAL RESETWith her Debutante Ball successfully behind her, Athanasia’s social obligations are suddenly overflowing. As correspondence and tea parties fill up her plate, she almost doesn’t miss Master Sorcerer...
[CHARACTER DEPTH LEVEL +10]Three years have passed since Shen Qingqiu betrayed Luo Binghe, and now there are only two years left before his “deceased” disciple rises from the dead to...
THE SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH Hikaru and Rihito are two high school boys in love. Things are going well for the couple and Hikaru is starting to daydream about a future...
POWER OF THE WORLD TREEThe emperor remains unconscious as Athanasia confronts her uncle and his claim to the throne. Unfortunately, without her father, Athy can do very little to keep...
THE RAZOR’S EDGEAfter leaping 12 years into his past, Takemichi has now fallen in with two leaders of the Toman gang, Mikey and Draken. He’s failed to avoid an encounter...
In Sora and Hara, learn more about the teacher Hara Manabu, a gay man who feels somewhat adrift in the world. He spends his days teaching at an all-boys school, his...
A love story between an openly gay novelist and a young man coping with grief that was recently turned into an anime film! Ever since his parents disowned him for...
The critically acclaimed romantic comedy about a country girl chasing her dreams in Tokyo! Mitsumi is bound for high school in Tokyo! She’s got book smarts, but this small-town girl...
Dear Archnemesis… Won’t You Be Mine?Ordinary office worker Oohashi Rei wakes up in the body of the protagonist of her favorite otome game, Revolution. To her delight, the first person...
The Harvey-nominated manga about a broad LGBT+ community.Not only is high schooler Tasuku Kaname the new kid in town, he is also terrified that he has been outed as gay....
STAGED FOR A COUPDespite the castle gag order keeping Claude’s illness a secret, rumors begin to spread among the aristocrats about the emperor’s indisposed state. With Claude unconscious, Athanasia must...
Shen Zechuan is the eighth son of the traitorous Prince of Jianxing, a man who doomed his cities and people to destruction at the hands of the foreign enemy. As...
LIFETIMES OF CRUELTY, CENTURIES OF DEVOTIONThe Kiln is open, and White No-Face is back to his full power. The past eight hundred years have not blunted his hatred nor his...