Battle Rabbits is the most recent series by Amemiya Yuki and Ichihara Yukino, the creative team behind the popular manga series, 07-Ghost. Kokuryuu Kaguya was only a little boy when...
Seven years ago, Kaguya was taken in by his grandmother after his father’s death. Locked in solitary misery, he decides to take his own life. But then he meets a...
A DEADLY DECISIONAfter Kaguya’s Rabi-Jewel is cracked during a showdown with a high level ogre, he is transported to the border between the worlds of the living and the dead....
Like father, like son?The strange symbol that appeared on Kaguya’s chest proves he has ogre DNA – but that doesn’t mean he’s abandoning Earth. In order to prevent Rasetsu’s calamitous...