Otherworldly spaces known as "demon cities" appeared in various parts of Japan, and those who partook in the "peaches" growing there gained unique abilities-but only if they're girls. One day,...
Yuuki’s barely had time to get used to his new role as slave-cum-caretaker when the 7th squad sorties to eliminate a nest of contemptibles. Awaiting them there is Unihorn, the...
As Himari is cornered by her elder sister Yachiho’s special technique, will her training with Yuuki pay off!? And next up is a high-power match between Shushu and Sahara, but...
Tenka, commander of the 6th Squad, passionately asks Yuuki to go out with her, leaving him flustered and unable to answer. Meanwhile, with the battle against the Shuuki picking up...
The 6th and 7th Squads team up to rescue the abducted Yuuki, kidnapped by a humanoid Shuuki…who turns out to be his long-lost sister Aoba. Upon learning about their situation,...
Tenka falls after a fierce duel with Aoba, but with the arrival of backup from the 6th and 7th squads, the battle is drawing to a close―that is, until a...
A horde of Shuuki attacks the Commanders’ Assembly, and the overwhelming power of the supreme commander, Ren Yamashiro, is fifinally revealed! Meanwhile, Kyouka’s concerned about the strange interest Ren’s shown...
After being lent out to Supreme Commander Yamashiro, Yuuki demonstrates an uncontrollable new slave form boasting overwhelming strength. However, such power always comes with a price―in the form of an...
Fresh from playing a key role in the Azuma Banquet, Yuuki takes on a new form as he’s lent to Himari’s mother, Fubuki―leading to a joint reward by the mother-daughter...
The subjugation team may have successfully rescued the kidnapped women, but that means inciting the wrath of one of the Eight Thunder Gods! When a seething Kuusetsu appears on Yuuki’s...
Following the battle at Yokohama, Yuuki gets some well-deserved rest and of course, a reward in the bath from Kyouka and Tenka! Meanwhile, the Demon Defense Force must prepare to...