Mild-mannered Mob has never realized that his younger brother Ritsu, who enjoys all the social success that Mob lacks, nurtures a hidden, desperate envy for the thing Mob possesses that...
Celebrate the art of Studio Ghibli, the beloved Japanese animation film studio, with this extensive collection of 100 full-color postcards showcasing final frames from all their feature-length films--from Nausicaa of the...
An overprotective father pays a visit to the shop in search of supernatural protection for his daughter. When Karasu catches sight of the eye on the man’s forehead–a clue to...
“YOU LIKE HER, DON’T YOU?”Misuzu decides to help get Misaki and Carol’s romance jump-started, but will her meddling do more harm than good? Jun meanwhile gets lost in thought thinking...
“YOU AND JUN DATED?!”Tomo is shocked when she finds out that her best friend Misuzu used to go out with Tomo’s crush, Jun! Misuzu swears that it’s all ancient history,...
While Kaneki and his friends tangle with the ghouls from the Aogiri Tree organization, the Commission of Counter Ghoul’s ongoing investigations bring them dangerously close to discovering Kaneki’s secret. Series...
Four years dedicated to his family have molded Fushi into an approximation of a human. But Fushi’s new acquisitions in that low-stimulus life have been few. When he attends Rean’s...
DEAD AND BREAKFAST With every day Taizou spends at the Voynich Hotel, he finds himself more and more smitten with Helena, one of the maids. But even with love goggles...
It’s been ten years since Rentt Faina, a luckless Bronze-class adventurer, set his eyes on becoming Mithril-class. Unfortunately, he finds himself helpless when confronted by a legendary dragon in the Water...
“Let’s finally settle it – everything that happened between us five years ago.” After having been chased to her wit’s end by Takashi, master of Byakko the Spirit Spear, Mio...
A juicy tutoring gig falls in the lap of poor high school second-year Futaro Uesugi…but it turns out his prospective pupils are his classmates?! And they’re quintuplets?! All five are...
utaro wins a vacation from the lottery!! But somehow, the whole Quints family won ... the exact same prize?! Futaro meets up with the Quints on vacation with their grandfather's...
Futaro Uesugi the private tutor has come down sick after the school trip, but not even illness can keep him from trying to get the quints to study! As he...
Notes on Camp_x0008_Futaro continues to lead the Quints to academic aptitude, but there are some treats in store for him as well! Having nearly missing his long-awaited school trip, Futaro...
Cram SessionWe’re back again with Futaro and the Quintuplets in volume 3! Midterms are just around the corner! Can Futaro get the Quints to study enough for their tests?! The...
Everything's gonna be okay... The difficulty ramps up as Gaeabrande proves just how tough an S-ranked world can be! But whether his foe is a gargantuan lord of the flies...
Speak of the devil and he'll fry you a burger! Sadao Maou, (aka Satan, the Devil King) has been relegated to flipping burgers at a MgRonald in suburban Tokyo. His...
Do you want fries with your hellfire?A portal opens in the courtyard of the Devil's Castle (a tiny walk-up). From it emerges a little girl who calls the Devil King...
Do you want fries with your hellfire?Sadao Maou, the Devil King, has finally been promoted to store manager! And who should move in next door to his fortress (actually a...