

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 01


 Seth has big goals of defeating Nemeses, but first he must earn the trust of the very villagers he wants to protect—not an easy task when those who use magic...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 02


Seth's grueling training at the Artemis Institute continues under his new teacher, Yaga. Despite Yaga's best efforts, Seth is still having trouble using feather tools to manipulate Fantasia. Will Seth...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 03


The battle in Rumble Town rages on, and Konrad shows no signs of stopping the onslaught against his own people. Seth, Mélie and Grimm team up to fight Konrad and...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 04


Seth finds himself face-to-face with a man named Piodon, who claims to be his brother. Picodon came to Rumble Town to watch the destruction, but upon finding Seth, offers him...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 05


Having escaped Rumble Town, Seth, Doc and Mélie are back at the Artemis Institute. With Alma’s help, Seth learns more about his mysterious brother Piodon. But as much as Seth...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 06


As spectrum Nemeses start to appear all over Cyfandir, Seth is drawn into a nefarious plot against his will. Suspicion stalks the very halls of the Wizard Knights’ castle, and...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 07


Lords from all over Cyfandir are gathering to choose young Wizard Knights deserving of being their heirs. Seth, meanwhile, continues training with his mysterious tutor in the even more mysterious...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 08


The Day of the Accolade has come for the aspiring wizard knights! While Mélie and Myr watch over the festivities, Seth and Doc infiltrate the basement of the castle to...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 09


The battle for Caislean Merlin rages on. Queen Boadicée enters the fray at great risk to her own life while Seth’s friend Ocoho, of the Queen’s forces, wrestles with a...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 10


The war between the Inquisition’s army and the people of Cyfandir is drawing to a close, but the outcome is not at all certain. With both Seth and Myr falling...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 11


After getting hit by a giant dragon's head an enduring a couple of other setbacks, Seth's team in the Broom Broom Survival Cup finds itself in a difficult position. While...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 12


Heading to Bôme in order to retrieve the Nemeses their occasional ally Grimm stole from the Artemis Institute, Seth and his friends are separated while trying to ward off different...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 13


Attempting to corral a Nemesis threatening the city of Bôme, Seth crashes it into the garden of the city’s king, Herklès VII. Believing this an attack on the king’s life,...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 14


Relentlessly hunted by antagonists known as Domitors, Seth tries to fend off his pursuers and ends up discovering a new and surprising ability! Meanwhile, after being rescued by the alchemist...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 15


While celebrations in the great city of Bôme were underway to mark the promotion of a prominent officer in the forces of the Inquisition, it looked as though Seth, a...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 16


Ocoho, Diabal, and Lupa Lycco begin to search for the Domitors who have taken their friend Mélie. Elsewhere, the mysterious Grimm agrees to free the horned wizard Seth from imprisonment...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 17


The mysterious Grimm is ready to hand Seth over to his enemies, the Domitors, but this plan gets kicked to the curb with the arrival of one of Seth’s brothers,...

Radiant (Manga) Vol. 19


After finally meeting his long-lost brothers, Seth is faced with a difficult personal dilemma—choosing his brothers’ side or letting Piodon live. Meanwhile, Doc finds out what it means to be...

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