In this action-packed dark fantasy, humanity lives under the threat of annihilation by immensely powerful dragons. The dragon hunter Ragna embarks on a revenge-fueled quest to eliminate that threat once...
Set on victory at any cost, Ragna joins forces with Crimson, a powerful dragon and traitor to his kind. Crimson's motivations may be obscure, but he and Ragna share the...
Set on victory at any cost, Ragna joins forces with Crimson, a powerful dragon and traitor to his kind. Crimson's motivations may be obscure, but he and Ragna share the...
Ultimatia, the Winged Monarch, uses her powers to rewind time, putting Ragna in terrible danger. Crimson manages to save him by executing an utterly brutal plan, but their escape lands...
Ragna and Crimson have fallen in with the Silverware Princess and her Argentum Corps, who are sheltering civilians fleeing from dragon attacks. The plan is to escort the refugees out...
Together with the Argentum Corps, Ragna and Crimson face off against a swarm of dragons led by Olto Zora, the Mad Maestro Dragon, and Taratectra, the Explosive Dragon. It’s Ragna’s...
As the battle against the dragon horde rages on, Ragna rallies from the edge of defeat and awakens an immense new power that had been lying dormant within him. Meanwhile,...
Captivated by the Silverware Princess’s resemblance to a figure from his past, Olto Zora tries to persuade her to join the Blood of the Wing. Taking advantage of his distraction,...
In this action-packed dark fantasy, humanity lives under the threat of annihilation by immensely powerful dragons. The dragon hunter Ragna embarks on a revenge-fueled quest to eliminate that threat once...
The final battle against the Blood of the Wing has begun! Ragna takes on Kamui, Golem teams up with Chimera to face down Borgius, and the Argentum Corps continues its...
On the ground, Chimera undergoes a startling transformation to counteract Borgius's full might. In the sky, Ragna and Kamui exchange deadly blows at speeds surpassing light itself. Elsewhere still, Ultimatia's...
A few days before the Argentum Corps’ decisive assault on the Winged Monarch, Leonica encounters the most terrifying obstacle yet in her quest for ultimate strength. Back in the present,...
Armed with knowledge of the future, Ragna joins the Solarian Church in a bid to prevent its imminent collapse. But his behavior soon incurs the wrath of his new comrades,...
In this action-packed dark fantasy, humanity lives under the threat of annihilation by immensely powerful dragons. The dragon hunter Ragna embarks on a revenge-fueled quest to eliminate that threat once...