Reincarnated as a child in another world, middle-aged Japanese office worker Ryoma Takebayashi is living life to the fullest in the realm of Seilfall and testing his skills in unexpected...
Office worker Ryoma Takebayashi had an unpleasant life and an unlikely death, but the gods of a parallel world reincarnate him as a boy with great magic abilities and all...
After office worker Ryoma Takebayashi dies, three gods ask for his help and reincarnate him as a child in a parallel fantasy world. Ryoma enjoys his slow new life of...
Slime's up for one recently deceased middle-aged businessman! When the gods reincarnate him in another world as a boy with magical powers, he discovers that magically-tamed slime are an untapped...
As spring turns to summer, the most anticipated high school baseball championship—Koshien—awaits! With their eyes on the prize, Yamato and his team prepare for the qualifiers. And since an army...
To rout the demons who are hatching a plot involving the Dracopulse Line that runs beneath Maze City, Matthias must contend with the corrupt lord of the city and a...
Former Strongest Sage Matthias's fight to protect mankind continues, with the demons launching all manner of attacks to destroy everyone with knowledge of their plot to weaken humanity through misinformation...
The demons assault the Second Academy, which has gotten wise to their plot to cripple mankind through magic disinformation, with a veritable legion of summoned monsters to destroy everyone with...
With the demons seeking to eliminate all who are aware of their plot to cripple mankind through magic disinformation, Matthias stands on the frontline of the battle...but he's not alone!...
Once the world's most powerful sage, reborn Matthias has gained the optimal crest for magical combat many thousands of years in the future. But with magical knowledge at an all-time...
The magician once known as a great sage has--in search of greater power--reincarnated himself far into the future. His new self has acquired the strongest crest for magical combat, but...
Life at the Second Royal Academy starts off with a bang for erstwhile sage Matthias. When a demon infiltrates the school, it's Matthias who takes him out using his shiny...
In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!Once the world's most powerful sage, reborn Matthias...
In this manga adaptation of the popular light novel series, the world's strongest sage will stop at nothing to get stronger...not even reincarnation!His strength limited by the magical crest with...
What if you were the strongest demon king in history...but nobody believed you?Anoth has freed Ivis from possession by the false Demon King, and peace has been restored for the...
The demon sisters Misha and Sasha are facing a tragic fate because of a spell cast on them by a mysterious figure seeking to harvest their magical power. While Sasha...
Demon King Academy is an elite school with a unique mission: to gather the most powerful students in the land in order to find the one who might be the...
The top manga launch in Japan in the first half of 2018, A Man and His Cat was also voted one of the Top 10 manga of 2018 by Japanese bookstore employees...
What if you were the strongest demon king in history...but nobody believed you? A light-hearted action rom-com series wherein the devil is definitely not getting his due. Anoth, the Demon...
A doting mother and her two beloved sons, one of whom she thinks is probably gay, go about their daily lives in this hilarious and heartwarming LGBTQIA+-friendly family comedy!With her...