Fleeing tragedy and mistreatment, a young boy named Ren hides among the crowds in Tokyo's busy Shibuya ward. His efforts to run away are more successful than he realizes when...
Having accidentally wandered into the beast world of Jutengai, Kyuta has gotten himself a master--Kumatetsu. But it turns out Kumatetsu's not quite as good at teaching as he is at...
Kyuta has been spending more and more time back in the human world. He's about to take an exam that will let him go to college! But does this mean...
Ichirohiko has suffered, caught in the space between human and beast, and has succumbed to the darkness. Kyuta leaves Kumatetsu, on the brink of death, in the care of the...
Tokyo's a big city--big enough that it's easy for a grieving boy like Ren to slip through the cracks. But Ren slips a little farther than he meant to, tumbling...