Speak of the devil and he'll fry you a burger! Sadao Maou, (aka Satan, the Devil King) has been relegated to flipping burgers at a MgRonald in suburban Tokyo. His...
In the Sasazuka neighborhood of the Shibuya district of Tokyo, newly minted part-time burger-flipper and former Devil King Satan (now known as Sadao Maou) clashes with Lucifer, a fallen angel...
The Devil sallies forth on his trusty steed (bicycle) to save his captured fast-food colleague! But stripped of his magic, is there any way he can triumph over the powerful...
The Devil's Castle (Maou's tiny apartment) has a new resident, and she's still in diapers! With the appearance of the mysterious child Alas Ramus, Maou's household is plunged into chaos....
Maou (the Devil King) has a suspicion about the mysterious child Alas Ramus, a wee lass who he and Emi (the Hero) have wound up parenting. During a supremely awkward...
A new era for the Devil!? Out of a home and out of his part-time job at MgRonald, things aren't looking so good at the Devil King! A seaside residence...
DISTURBANCE SEASIDE! The Devil King is on the beach, but there's no time to relax! People are packed into the eatery, and Maou's crew can barely keep up with the...
The Devil goes digital! Repairs to Devil's Castle, Maou's one-bedroom apartment in Japan, are complete--and now it's outfitted with an all-new HD socket! The Devil King's never owned a TV...
Chiho has collapsed, and Maou and company have figured out that it must be the work of an Angel. The only thing left to figure out is whether they're holed...
THE DEVIL FINDS WORK FOR IDLE HANDS! MgRonald is closed for renovations, which means Maou is temporarily out of a job! His hunt for employment takes him all the way...
EVEN SATAN HAS A SENSITIVE SIDE! With the MgRonald renovations still underway, the hard work continues on Chiho's family farm. After getting his hands dirty in the fields and even...
The renovation of Mcronald is over, and Maou is finally back at work. But when a new devil and one boy show up, will he be able to keep following...
Driven to mayhem! It's well past the time when Emi should've returned from Ente Isla-but Maou's too obsessed with passing his driving test and becoming a MgRonald deliveryman to dwell...
A SHIFT IN PRIORITIES! Maou staves off the attack on Chiho's school, but it was all a diversion to draw him away from the Devil's Castle! With Ashiya kidnapped by...
THE DEVIL KING’S GRAND RETURN! Maou and Suzuno drive their scooters across Ente Isla on a journey to save their kidnapped friends. However, time is running short, as Emilia and...