A heartwarming fantasy tale about a girl who embarks on a journey with her new friend--a humble slime. Manga adaptation also from Seven Seas! Young Ivy can't catch a break. Though...
THE WEAKEST DUONine-year-old Ivy and her tame slime Sora have joined a group of lively adventurers! But when they arrive at the town of Otolwa, they find it overrun by...
A heartwarming fantasy isekai tale about a girl who embarks on a journey with her new friend--a humble slime. Manga adaptation also from Seven Seas!Young Ivy can't catch a break....
Young Ivy can't catch a break. Though she has a few memories of her past life, she was reborn into an RPG-like world in the weakest class, and worse, as...
WARM HANDS, WARM HEARTSAs she continues to travel, Ivy grows closer to Druid. Their days are filled with laughter, silly little arguments, and even a more feminine version of Ivy!...
SLIME TIME 101Ivy discovers a black slime in her bag, and immediately, wonders how to care for it, nevertheless how to carry it. Thankfully, she can send faxes to her friends to...
BLOOMING INTO FUN!Winter has melted away, making way for the warm spring to arrive! Full of hope and anticipation, Druid and Ivy travel to the next village over to experience...
MIXED SIGNALS Druid seems on edge these days. First, he senses a disturbance in the forest, but Ivy doesn't feel anything amiss. Then, they meet Zephyr, a party of adventurers....
A heartwarming fantasy isekai tale about a girl who embarks on a journey with her new friend–a humble slime. And don’t miss the light novels, also from Seven Seas! When Ivy...
A FRIEND INDEEDAfter being attacked by a vicious tree monster, Ivy thinks she’s a goner. But when Sora heals her wounds, Ivy realizes there’s more to this little creature than...
NO QUIET LIFEIvy has grown quite comfortable in Ratome Village. She knows the dump inside and out, she’s become adept at trapping and selling all manner of creatures, and everyone...
NEW FACES BRING NEW FRIENDS—AND DANGER!After leaving Ratome Village, Ivy heads toward the town of Otolwa. As she travels through the forest, she meets a group of adventurers called the...
AN UNSETTLING PRESENCE LOOMS CLOSER…Although Ivy and the Sword of Flames arrive in Otolwa safely, she still cannot shake the unpleasant gaze clinging to her every move. Rattloore and the...
THE CULPRIT IS REVEALED! Ivy, along with adventuring teams The Sword of Flames and the Lightning Royals, continues to investigate the mysterious organization behind a kidnapping ring. With foes around...