Arata Kasuga is living an ordinary life with his cousin, Hijiri, when a mysterious happening called a "Breakdown Phenomenon" makes her vanish before his very eyes. Determined to eradicate the...
Not long after Arata enrolls at Royal Biblia Academy to become a magus do rumors begin to circulate about him being a "Demon Lord candidate." But with these rumors come...
At the Royal Biblia Academy, magical occurrences are commonplace...but ghosts?! While investigating a supernatural rumor at the school, Arata and his friends find themselves trapped in the Eternal Library--where a...
One of Trinity Seven's own members, the fiendish Liese, attacks Arata with a "passionate kiss" that purloins all of his magical powers! With the Demon Lord Candidate's magic in her...
When the fierce battle with Liese comes to an end, Arata undergoes an unthinkable transformation and begins diligently devoting himself to his studies. And when Lilith catches him at it,...
The Demon Lord "Astral Trinity"--the prelude to the melody of destruction--has descended! Will Mira-chan and the others be able to get Arata back to normal?! And with her life on...
All of the Trinity Seven members have finally gathered as the fierce battle between Arata and the demon Hijiri finally reaches its finale! But there's no rest for the weary...
Lilith has been captured by her own father, the demon lord Abyss Trinity, and he's poised to annihilate Arata Kasuga and his companions. In the face of "Vanitas," the overwhelming...
Arata has obtained the power of Judecca, the Black Imperial Sword! But Abyss has a Demon Lord Weapon of his own--Caina, the Red Emperor Sword! As the clash between the...
It's time for the main event of the school festival: the Magic Research Battle! All of Trinity Seven (plus Arata) are arming themselves for battle against tough opponents from the...
The Magic Research Battle continues with an anticipated match--magical geniuses Lilith and Mira vs. fighting powerhouses Akio and Levi. But unbeknownst to Trinity Seven, there's something sinister underfoot. The Maguses...
Arata has vanished, and it's up to Trinity Seven to save him! Akasha Academy is the prime suspect--what is Anastasia hiding behind her knowing smile? The girls from Biblia and...
It's a face-off between Luxuria masters, as Lilith and Anna battle it out! There's only room for one of them in Trinity Seven--who will reign supreme? In the world of...
The final fight of the Magic Research Battle finally arrives, bringing with it an unimaginable outcome! It seems all's well that ends well, but after the festivities, a mysterious woman...
Arata is barely two steps into Dante's Gate when he meets a new damsel in distress-Ilia's little sister Okto. The younger Ilias Fragment begs him to travel through the nine...
Behind Dante's Gate, Arata and the girls lock horns with more of the Twelve Demon Commanders. Liese unleashes a form of mystic number magic that shocks even Miglione. Lilith squares...
Guttlehoge of the Twelve Demon Commanders attacks with enormous strength, forcing Hijiri and Anna to summon every iota of their magic, leaving their bodies bloodied and bruised...The two girls pour...
Drawing on Lilith's and Lilim's powers, Arata gains a new form! Meanwhile, Arin arrives at Dante's Gate only to be confronted by Farfarea of the Twelve Demon Commanders. Things are...
Arata is hit by the revelation of his true identity: Astral Trinity, a being formed from the magical remains of the True Demon Lord! Amid this shocking news, Arata becomes...
Arata is trapped in his own nostalgia, and the allure of it may be too much for him to escape! Can the rest of Trinity Seven help him find the...