The romantic story of a plain country girl who’s crushing on her handsome coworker…and her transformation by an unconventional and stylish “fairy godmother.” Haruka is a “plain jane” who left...
Haruka has been taking advice from the cross-dressing fashionista Hikaru, who has promised to stay by her side as a friend. Thanks to Hikaru’s advice, she’s managed to get closer...
Haruka is a “plain jane” who left the countryside to start her college life at Tokyo. She’s secretly in love with Kurotaki, a coworker at her part-time job, but she...
Haruka is a “plain jane” who left the countryside to start her college life at Tokyo. She’s secretly in love with Kurotaki, a coworker at her part-time job, but she...
CAN WISHES COME TRUE?Thanks to her “fairy godmother” Hikaru’s magic, Haruka gains the confidence to go out with Kurotaki—only to have that romance end in heartbreak. Hikaru helps her move...
LOVE KNOWS NO LABELSHaruka’s confidence is boosted by Hikaru’s magic, and after overcoming her heartbreak over Kurotaki, she and Hikaru are finally an item! But right after sharing their first...
WISH UPON A STARHaruka has started going out with Hikaru, a cross-dressing fashionista. On the morning after their first Christmas as a couple, Hikaru makes a delightful and daring proposal....
MAGIC THAT LASTS PAST MIDNIGHTHaruka wanted to become a worthy match for her beloved Hikaru, who is beginning a promising career as assistant to a charismatic hair and makeup artist....