Miaka Yûki is an ordinary junior-high student who is suddenly spirited into the world of a book, The Universe of the Four Gods. There she becomes the priestess of the...
Oracle Of SuzakuMiaka Yûki is an ordinary junior high-school student who is transported into the world of a book, The Universe of the Four Gods. Exhausted by her adventures, Miaka...
The Mysterious DiscipleMiaka Yûki is an ordinary junior high school student who is suddenly transported into the world of a book, The Universe of the Four Gods. Surrounded by enemies...
Honor Among Thieves?To save her newly adopted country of Hong-Nan, Miaka must scour the nation for the remaining three of the seven Celestial Warriors who will help her in her...
All’s Fair In Rivalry And War!To save her newly adoptive country of Hong-Nan, Miaka must venture into the heart of the enemy’s capital. Her mission: to retrieve her true love,...
Happiness Is Just A Summoning AwayNow that she seems to have gathered all seven of her Celestial Warriors, Miaka is ready to summon the god Suzaku, who will grant her...
Shipwrecked!Now that the Seiryu Warriors have ruined their attempt to summon the god Suzaku, Miaka and her Celestial Warriors are forced to travel to a frozen northern country in hopes...
A Friend In DeedsA savage storm shipwrecks Miaka and her Celestial Warriors on a creepy island inhabited by a ruthless matriarchal society that enslaves men! Meanwhile, her former friend Yui...
LoverMiaka Yûki is an ordinary middle school student who is suddenly whisked away into the world of a book, The Universe of the Four Gods. In this alternate world, she...
EnemyMiaka Yûki is suddenly spirited into the world of a book, The Universe of the Four Gods. Thinking that her mission has failed, she runs off to the land of...
VeteranThe first Shentso-Pao treasure from the northern country of Bei-Jia was stolen from Miaka, and the only treasure left is in the western country of Xi-Lang—and both Miaka and her...
GirlfriendA god is summoned, a wish granted, and all is not right with Miaka Yûki! The good empire of Hong-Nan is overrun with enemies; Celestial Warrior powers are useless; and...
GoddessNakago has entered the real world to collect on Yui’s promise to grant him the third and final Seiryu wish. But his wish may have the greatest consequence of all...
THE BELOVED ROMANTIC FANTASY SERIES CONTINUES!When Miaka was whisked away into the pages of a mysterious old book, she began a dual existence, divided between her life as an ordinary...
THE BELOVED ROMANTIC FANTASY SERIES CONTINUES!Whisked away into the pages of a mysterious old book, Miaka began a dual existence as a schoolgirl in modern Japan and a priestess in...
THE BELOVED ROMANTIC FANTASY SERIES CONTINUES!Just when Miaka thought her adventures as a priestess in ancient China were over, the god Suzaku reappeared to send her on a new quest....
THE BELOVED ROMANTIC FANTASY SERIES CONTINUES!Just when Miaka thought her adventures as a priestess in ancient China were over, the god Suzaku reappeared to send her on a new quest....
THE BELOVED ROMANTIC FANTASY SERIES CONTINUES!Just when Miaka thought her adventures as a priestess in ancient China were over, the god Suzaku reappeared to send her on a new quest....
Miaka is a junior high school student studying for entrance exams for Johan High School, the top school in the city. Not academically inclined, Miaka would rather forget studying and...
With one of the Celestial Warriors lost forever, Miaka and her men are more desperate than ever to obtain the two Shentso-Paos to summon Suzaku. But once Miaka has one...