Hinase falls into an identity crisis when their coming of age clashes with societal expectations in this unique teen drama! In this world, people are born without a gender. Their...
A teen’s unique coming-of-age journey clashes with society’s expectations in this emotional drama!As Hinase approaches their eighteenth birthday, their life continues to diverge from those of their peers. After Shiori...
Hinase survives a brush with death, and their rapidly changing present leaves more questions in its wake. What are attraction and gender—and why does Hinase feel so uncomfortable with both?...
Shiori and Ritsu grapple with how it would feel in a same-gender couple with Hinase. To both their surprise, they learn their other classmates have more complex views on romance...
The summer festival is approaching, and Hinase's plans to go with Ritsu return their focus to the question of selecting a gender. While Ritsu dreams of a romantic night out,...
In this world, people are born without a gender.To better understand Hinase's situation, Shiori is determined to uncover the identity of the genderless person in Nao's photo—even if that means...