A pocket-sized cat-human: have you met a Nuko? In a world where these curious creatures evolved from ordinary cats, part-timer Yuya finds two abandoned nukos on the side of the...
Nukos sure do grow up fast. Now that laid-back part-timer Yuya has taken in the part-cat, part-human “nukos” Kei and Sasame, they’re quickly and cutely adjusting to their new life...
New horizons in cuteness! Every day is a chance to discover more things to love about nukos, curious part-cat part-human creatures that evolved from ordinary cats. That's laid-back part-timer Yuya's...
A family that can sit in the palm of your hand! Every day is sweet when you’re in the company of teeny part-cat, part-human nukos! Laid-back part-timer Yuya and his...