Rumors revolving around The Book of Vanitas, a clockwork grimoire of dubious reputation, draw Noé, a young vampire in search of a friend's salvation, to Paris. What awaits him in...
Now installed at a hotel in Paris with the help of Count Orlok, Noé and Vanitas take their awkward partnership on the a vampire masquerade ball! The order of...
The masked ball has ended, but the music plays on. As Noe and Vanitas return disgraced from Altus, the curtain rises on a new battle. News of kidnapped curse-bearers sends...
Deep within the bowels of Paris, Noé and Vanitas race through the catacombs with an elite team of Chasseurs, the Church's anti-vampire unit, in hot pursuit. Their search for the...
The Beast of Gévaudan, which once plunged France into terror, has risen again in the nineteenth century. As Vanitas and the others investigate the relationship between the Beast and the...
On the trail of the Beast of Gévaudan, Vanitas and Noé are led to the heart of the incident and the noble house of d'Apchier. There, they discover that a...
Despite the reveal of the Beast of Gévaudan's true identity, disaster still looms, threatening not only those involved but the townspeople below. With his book missing in action, Vanitas has...
The Beast of Gévaudan incident is at an end, and its melody of revenge has turned into blossoms and scattered. What changes have visited themselves upon Vanitas and the others...
Lured into a trap by Mikhail, Noé is forced to drink his blood and view his memories—memories of his and Vanitas's fateful meeting with the Vampire of the Blue Moon....
Mikhail’s schemes succeed in turning Vanitas and Noé against each other! The vampire desperate to save a loved one versus the human fighting to guard his memories―who will prevail?