ONCE UPON A TIME…In a land far away, there were two kingdoms: the Outside, where twisted beasts roamed that could curse with a touch, and the Inside, where humans lived...
UNTOUCHABLETo be touched by an Outsider is to become an Outsider. A clawed, black hand reaches out to touch Shiva’s cheek in her sleep. The hand does not belong to...
A FATE WORSE THAN DEATHShiva’s little white lie has had devastating consequences. While she reels from the shock of the horrific events that have unfolded, Auntie reveals to Teacher how...
THE ACCURSED CHILDWhat Teacher feared most is true–the child Shiva has been afflicted with the curse of the Outsiders. Yet somehow, even touched by the blight, she remains human. How...
FAR FROM HOMEPursued by soldiers, Teacher and Shiva left their home and searched for a new one in a distant hamlet. They thought to hide away there, but fate was...
OF MONSTERS AND MENHounded by two transformed soldiers desperate for salvation and with Teacher reeling from revelations about his own forgotten former life, the past finally catches up to Teacher...
WHEN ALL HOPE IS LOSTFor Shiva’s sake, another life must be sacrificed. Teacher thought he had steeled himself to commit the deed, but perhaps some lingering trace of his humanity...
DIRE CONSEQUENCESTeacher has lost himself, becoming just another wandering Outsider. At first, Shiva doesn’t want to believe, but as she realizes she’s been forgotten, she falls into despair. Will the...
REVELATIONSShiva has escaped, thanks to the agonizing decision made by the king of the Insiders to betray his kingdom. Now, with locket in hand, Shiva has returned to the cottage...
HOMECOMINGShiva’s aunt has come to the Outside to bring her home, with several soldiers in tow. Alarmed at this show of force, Teacher tries to protect Shiva, but to no...
ASHES TO ASHES, DUST TO DUSTEverything eventually crumbles to dust, even a cozy stone cottage. The creaky floorboards and sooty chimney are now only a sweet memory. Time marches inexorably...
A special collection of manga stories from the critical and commercial hit, The Girl From the Other Side!It was inevitable that the road walked by Teacher and Shiva would be sorrowful,...
This bestselling and critically acclaimed series is soon to be a feature-length anime--and now, readers can experience the entire fantastical tale in stunning collectors' hardcovers!In a world split between the...
THE ACCURSED CHILD Shiva’s little white lie has had devastating consequences. While she reels from the shock of unfolding horrors, Auntie reveals to Teacher how Shiva came to live under...
OF MONSTERS AND MENHounded by two transformed soldiers desperate for salvation and with Teacher reeling from revelations about his own forgotten former life, the past finally catches up to Teacher...
The beautiful, critically acclaimed manga that was successfully Kickstarted into a feature-length anime! And don’t miss our other manga in English from creator Nagabe.In a land far away, there were two kingdoms:...