An adrenaline-filled manga set in a high school for delinquents who are now heroes protecting their town. A fierce, new student arrives at the school determined to fight his way...
An adrenaline-filled manga set in a high school for delinquents who are now heroes protecting their town. A fierce, new student arrives at the school determined to fight his way...
An adrenaline-filled manga set in a high school for delinquents who are now heroes protecting their town. A fierce, new student arrives at the school determined to fight his way...
Life is a breeze, until a storm hits. After defeating Shishitoren, the students at Furin High get a breather and bask in normal school life. After meeting some powerful classmates...
Onward, Furin first years! Now that he's won the respect of his classmates, Sakura has been promoted to class leader. Unfortunately, there's little time to celebrate, as new trouble strikes....
While Sakura and the other Furin first-year students battle it out below, Kaji duels with KEEL’s leader above. The noble delinquents are heavily outnumbered, but the tide of the fight...
Haruka Sakura is aiming to become the top of the major delinquent school, Furin High School. But for the first time, he is finally surrounded by friends and he doesn't...