Dark, disturbing, sexy, and shameful, this new sci-fi action manga stars a dominating teenage girl searching for a sister who became a monster, and a submissive boy with the strange...
Shuichi Kagaya is an ordinary high school kid in a boring little town. But when a beautiful classmate is caught in a warehouse fire, he discovers a mysterious power: he...
The prime minister of Japan barges in on President Putinov for an informal meeting, and the diplomatic ties between two powerhouse nations quickly devolve into a no-holds-barred, bareknuckle free-for-all! This...
As tensions break out into a full-on war, Sasha is instructed to lay low in a role that is given “the highest level of respect and reverence”: a Japanese high...
Greater Russia and its indomitable New Baltic Fleet breach Japanese waters, and as tensions transform into an all-out war, it seems as if Putinov will sink the entire island of...
The battle to end all battles makes landfall in the formerly sleepy city of Hakodate. The victor of this conflict will become the world’s next dominant superpower, but when the...