In the world of Alicia's where rank is determined by "counts", a young girl named Hina scours the land for the fabled Ace-the legendary hero of the Waste War. With...
Licht and the gang come face-to-face with the deadly demon of the abyss-a modern-day military weapon of steel, unlike anything they've seen before. Trapped by giant, weighty wings of metal...
Class is in session! As newly enrolled students of Special Military School #13, the gang must plunder stars in order to become soldiers-a title the perpetually hormonal Rihito couldn't care...
Finally, the Waste War begins! As outside forces start to obliterate the school, the members of Class A-including Tokikaze and Jail-dive headfirst into an enemy-infested area to protect their friends....
Captured by Douan and the Special Unit, Hina, Lynn, and Pele are brought face-to-face with Major Schmerman. What happened to the kind teacher of three hundred years ago? What did...
Tokikaze is alive, and he’s more interested in revenge than reunions. Abducting Hina and stealing the Original Ballots, he and the Abyss launch an all-out war on Alcia! Just what...
Lynn stands alone before the traitorous Ace of Piercing Strikes, who has gone undefeated for three hundred years. Will the bonds she forged be enough to retake what is most...
To reverse Schmerman’s overwhelming numerical advantage, Jail heads to the royal capital alone, armed with nothing but his beliefs. Even though thousands of soldiers stand in his way, his sights...
As the war for Alcia stretches from the depths of the Abyss to the Wall of Paradise, Licht and Tokikaze meet on the field of battle. The two brothers have...
At last, Licht and Tokikaze are released from the fate that has bound them for three hundred years. But there’s no time to celebrate, as the mastermind who ruined the...
“Fight and kill me.” Licht may have halted the 300-year-long war, but with those words, Schmerman forces him to play the hero once more. Atop a long-fated stage, he faces...