In this manga adaptation of the popular web novel series, an overworked wage slave finds himself transported to a fantasy world where he quickly becomes the strongest sage in the...
After Tsuge abruptly tells Minato that he’s a wizard who can read minds, Minato is left completely blindsided. Minato knows Tsuge's not the type to lie, but does that mean...
Matty’s newly built dracopulse observation station picks up some unusual activity. After analyzing the data, the worst fears are confirmed: an elite demon has appeared and created a monstrous army...
As if sharing dinner every night wasn’t enough, Amane and Mahiru agree to deepen their friendship by spending Christmas Day together! But first, Amane will have to survive a rowdy...
It’s Field Day again at Sonohenno Elementary School! The sixth-graders’ families have come to spectate the event, where a heap of surprises await. No one can guess who will come...
Absence makes the heart grow fonder after mob boss Sawatari kicks his right-hand man, Kashima, out of the family. Free of the previous ties that bound them, their relationship begins...
Shiori and Ritsu grapple with how it would feel in a same-gender couple with Hinase. To both their surprise, they learn their other classmates have more complex views on romance...
It’s time for the annual DWMA Battle Festival to kick off! As the whole city gears up for celebrations, Tsugumi receives a piece of devastating news from her family. Soon,...
While trying to find more information regarding the cursed tree found on Evildominus Island, Yuji stumbles on the small town of Declen. After discovering the local Adventurer’s Guild, he is...
Hinase survives a brush with death, and their rapidly changing present leaves more questions in its wake. What are attraction and gender—and why does Hinase feel so uncomfortable with both?...
Delve deeper into the magic of My Happy Marriage and feast your eyes on beautiful art wrapped in a gorgeous, delicately designed package! A gem of an art collection jam-packed with lush...
With the Boseil dungeon monster overflow sorted, Matthias gets down to business creating some jobs for his domain. The long-neglected dungeon may have created a lot of trouble, but it...
Ryoma decides to focus on his original job as an adventurer after seeing his laundry business doing well under the care of his diligent employees. Ryoma’s long-term goal is to...
Sorawo, Toriko, and Kozakura have been attacked by a group that venerates the mysterious missing Satsuki Uruma. After traveling through the real-life scary stories "The Round Hole in the Basement"...
Lloyd and company are in Rokujo, working as extras on a movie. But when Alka's spell turns Lloyd into a grown-up, he's plucked out of the line-up to headline the...
Kanda agonizes over the right cat tower for Fukumaru. Then, a lost dog shows up in Kanda's garden, and Sorako brings it inside?! A familiar face known online as "twinkle_bell"...
A seemingly unending horde of monsters threatens to take over Evildominus Island thanks to a mysterious cursed tree. Yuji must figure out a way to save the adventurers from a...
Puny and powerless after an unfortunate encounter with a magical girl, the Dark Realm’s Number Two has her work cut out for her in the world of humans!Having collected enough...
Two years after Justine's death, David snapped in a fit of rage and killed three more men on her behalf. However, another murder in David's past comes to haunt his...